
How We Can Help

SalTerra has the ability to source any type of grains needed. We specialize in rye but also work with many other grains, sugars, and malt. SalTerra can offer grain or flour starting at just 1 pallet (2,000 lbs). We have the ability to get your products, custom milled, cleaned and bagged. Toted, or even ship via bulk trailers. SalTerra will also provide full transparency as to where your grain was grown, how it was processed, and provide logistics meeting the ever changing distillation schedules.




Whole Grain

We believe that in order to produce a high end spirit you need access to the best possible grain available. As we try to work locally as much as possible, we also understand that many grains flourish in certain geographies. With all the grain we provide we make sure that it is food grade quality. That means all grain is tested, meets #1 grain standards, and gets cleaned before being shipped out. We have access to almost all organic, non GMO, and conventional grains.

Custom Milled

We offer many custom granulations specialized for your specific setup. Some of the most common milled products are coarse whole flour, fine whole flour, and flaked whole grain. If any specific granulations are needed, we will do our best to accommodate your request.



SalTerra has the ability to source any type of grains needed. We specialize in rye but also work with many other grains, sugars, and malt.